Roof damage can occur at any time, in any place.  However, no matter the circumstances, it can be a scary experience. Depending on the extent of the damage, there’re a few essential procedures you should follow.


 Safety First 

First, ensure that you and your family are safe.  In New Jersey, high winds are common during hurricane season.  Also, you may see hail, tornadoes, and flooding, among other forms of severe weather.  Therefore, you should first ensure everyone’s safety.

Make sure that there is no risk of further severe weather.  If there is, seek appropriate shelter.  This is more important than fixing roof damage fast.  In addition, if your roof has big leaks, putting a tarp on it (when it’s safe to do so) can help prevent further water damage to your property.

Check your property.  Fully document any damage you can observe.  Take note if you observe any loose, missing, cracked, or damaged shingles.  Then, if you find it safe to do so, climb a ladder and take pics of the visible damage.  Otherwise, ask a professional to do that part.  During your inspection of the property, salvage any vinyl siding or roofing shingles that have blown off the house.


How to Get Roof Damage Covered by Insurance

When a rainstorm or other natural disasters damage your roof, you may wonder how to file an insurance claim and get your roof damage covered.  It can also be challenging to determine the types of damages a homeowner’s insurance covers.  For that reason, you may be hesitant to seek professional help, given the cost associated.  It’s crucial to file your insurance claim correctly if you want to get compensation for the roof damage. Carefully read your policy to ensure there are no surprises when you speak with your insurance company.

The first step is to call your nearby contractor and ask them to assess the damage.  Don’t put off filing for too long.  The sooner you act, the greater your chances of receiving financial assistance for roof repair.  They can provide you with a repair estimate you can use for your insurance claim.  In addition, some contractors will actually do some of the hard work of dealing with your insurance company.

Also, never let family members or friends perform roof repairs without a qualified contractor’s direct supervision.  Making these repairs yourself may lead to more damage, cost significantly more in the long run, and can violate some warranties or insurance coverage.

Lastly, if you’re unsure of your home’s coverage for insurance purposes, speak to an agent with your insurance carrier.  Always confirm your coverage before making a claim.


Contact us Phone(908) 322-6405


Deegan Roofing can perform an inspection of your roof and repair any damage.  We are family-owned and operated, Deegan Roofing Company has been installing and servicing residential and commercial roofing customers in the New Jersey area for over 30 years.  Website  Address345 Terrill Rd, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 HoursOpen 8:30 AM ⋅ Closes 5:30 PM


Why You Should Get Roof Repairs at the First Signs of Damage

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