Now that you know all the benefits of an energy-efficient roof, you’re probably wondering: what properties actually make a roof energy efficient?   There are actually quite a few. The material, color, coating and thermal mass of your roofing material contribute significantly.  The design of your roof and attic, specifically the insulation and ventilation systems, can make just as much of an impact.  Here’s what you need to know:


Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) 

The design and material of your roof will determine the solar reflectance index (SRI) of your home.  SRI is expressed in the percentage of sunlight reflected (rather than absorbed) by your roof.  The higher the SRI of your roof, the more energy-efficient your home will be.

In fact, solar reflectance is the most important factor in determining how hot your roof gets.  The EPA reported that a cool roof can stay cooler than traditional roofs by 50 degrees Fahrenheit or more.  That’s a huge difference!


Proper Attic Ventilation and Roofing Insulation 

You may notice that older homes feel much more drafty than newer ones.  That’s because better building techniques and energy-efficient windows and doors have made homes more sealed off from the outside world.  That’s a great thing for your home’s energy efficiency, but it can cause condensation to build up in your attic, leading to water damage.  If moisture cannot escape from the home naturally, it will travel into your attic area as hot air rises.

That’s why proper ventilation and insulation in your attic is so important.  Sufficient airflow from your roof and tightly installed insulation can keep your home energy-efficient without incurring water damage.


Energy-Efficient Roofs Are Good For the Environment and Your Wallet 

Of course, your roof is an integral part of your home that protects you and your family from the elements.  But homeowners are starting to ask: what more can my roof do for me?  And you’d be surprised by the answer.

Energy-efficient roofs aren’t necessarily more expensive or difficult to install than a traditional roof.  That means that your upfront costs won’t usually be any higher than a traditional roof, but you’ll be saving money in the long run from lower energy bills. It’s no wonder that energy-efficient roofs are quickly becoming the standard for homes around the U.S.

How Do Energy-Efficient Roofs Help Decrease Energy Bills?

It may not be common knowledge that the type of roof you choose can drastically affect how much you pay for your utility every month.  But how, and by how much, does an energy-efficient roof help you save?

Metal roofs, one of the more efficient types of roofs, have a lower thermal mass than asphalt shingles or clay tile.  This means that they do not store heat from the sun for as long, meaning less unwanted heat will make its way into your home. Homeowners frequently report energy savings of 25% to 35% with metal roofs.  If you pay $125 per month in utility bills, 25% to 35% of energy costs can add up to savings of over $500 per year.  That’s no small impact.


How Do Energy-Efficient Roofs Help the Environment?

An energy-efficient roof, also called a “cool roof,” will benefit not only the building’s inhabitants but the surrounding community as well.   We know that an energy-efficient roof can help decrease your demand for air conditioning by reflecting sunlight away from your home.  This leads to lower energy consumption and CO2 emissions, which is good for the environment.

But there’s more to the story — and more benefits for the earth!  For starters, consistently lower roof temperatures may actually lengthen the lifespan of your roof, decreasing landfill waste resulting from removing and replacing your old roof. Additionally, a cool roof actually prevents the air outside your home from heating up, minimizing the urban heat island effect and preventing the development of smog from outdoor air pollution.

A cool roof reflects even more light off the surface of the earth, counteracting the greenhouse effect that contributes to global warming.  Who knew?

Contact Us

Family-owned and operated, Deegan Roofing Company has been installing and servicing residential and commercial roofing customers in the New Jersey area for over 30 years.  If you are concerned about your roof surviving the upcoming winter weather or are currently experiencing roofing problems, it’s never too late to contact Deegan Roofing to get your roof inspected before winter.  Website  Address345 Terrill Rd, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 HoursOpen 8:30 AM ⋅ Closes 5:30 PM

Phone(908) 322-6405

Roof Inspections