Ice dams can be some of the more dangerous things to deal with during the winter season. They have the potential to do some real damage to your roof that will cost you immensely. If you notice any signs of ice dams forming, you should seek to get Passaic County ice dam removal ASAP. Ice dams are essentially formed by snow melting due to your roof being a warm temperature. This will happen as a result of the heat in your attic escaping. As the snow melts, the water will run down to the eaves of your home where it will refreeze due to the cold temperature there. The ice refreezing blocks the way for the rest of the water to drain off properly and can cause dangerous situations to arise. In this article, we’ll look at a few quick fixes if an ice dam develops on your home.

Passaic County Ice Dam Removal Tricks

1. Heated Cables – Heated cables are a quick and easy way to try and prevent ice dams from forming. Now is a good time to get on top of installing these guys as they are a preventative measure rather than a reactionary one. The heated cables do exactly what you’d expect, heat the areas of your roof that are cold to equalize the temperature and keep ice from forming in dangerous areas.

2. Form a Channel for Water – A cool trick you can try is to create a channel through the ice where the water can drain. You can take a pair of pantyhose or something similar and fill it with salt. After this, lay them over where the ice dam has formed and down over the gutter. This will melt the ice with time and create a little area where the water can properly drain.

3. A Fan in the Attic – Another trick you can use is taking a fan to the attic. By blowing cold air at the area where water is leaking in, you will be able to freeze it pretty quickly. Once it is frozen, you will have stopped the leak for the time being. You should look into getting Passaic County ice dam removal to ensure that your roof is safe beyond this point, however.

Professional Passaic County Ice Dam Removal

Do You Need Professional Passaic County Ice Dam Removal?

Getting Passaic County ice dam removal can be essential for your home this winter. Try and take the proper precautionary steps leading into it to keep yourself safer. Deegan Roofing is there to provide all of your roofing needs when you need them. Whether you need to prepare for winter or you need Passaic County ice dam removal, we can do it all. We’ve provided NJ homeowners with the best quality roofing services for over two decades. For more information, contact Deegan today at (908)322-6405 or visit the website.

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